Ben Stokes stole the show as he was snapped up by RisingPune Supergiants for Rs 14.5 crore, a record price for an overseas player. It was a good day for England as Tymal Mills was snapped up for Rs 12 crore by Royal Challengers Bangalore. It was a good day for the pace bowlers with Trent Boult and Kagiso Rabada going for a good price. For India, Karn Sharma was the most expensive buy with Rs 3.2crore while the likes of T Natarajan got Rs 3 crore. Relive all the highlights of 2017 IPL Auction here (WHERE TO SEE LIVE STREAMING)15:47 hrs IST: Here is the list of the additions of the players in each squad.Delhi Daredevils:Angelo Mathews, Corey Anderson, Kagiso Rabada, Pat Cummins, Ankit Bawne, Aditya Tare, Murugan Ashwin, Navdeep Saini, Shashank SinghGujarat Lions: Nathu Singh, Basil Thampy, Tejas Singh Baroka, Manpreet Gony, Jason Roy, Munaf Patel, Chirag Suri, Shelly Shaurya, Shubham Agrawal, Pratham Singh, Aksh Deep NathSunrisers Hyderabad: Tanmay Agar...